Donating money to a charitable cause is a common way of honouring a deceased person. Often the obituary notice includes a wish for a specific fund and if you choose to donate the relatives will receive a memorial sheet that specifies who the donation is from.

Below you will find some of the largest and most common funds. These are reputable and approved for a “90 account” in the payment systems plusgiro and bankgiro which are controlled by Svensk Insamlingskontroll and are thereby a guarantee that the help will reach the promised cause.

The donations should be made well in advance for the memorial sheet to arrive prior to the funeral.
It is possible to do this directly on the organisation’s website or by paying money into a fund’s bankgiro or plusgiro.
Important information to notify the fund when making a donation is the following:

  • The name of the deceased
  • Date of the funeral
  • Any commemorative words and the names of those who made the donation
  • An address the memorial sheet shall be sent to (for example a relative or the firm of undertakers)

Links and contact details for some of the largest and most common funds:

Cancerfonden Phone: 020-59 59 59 Pg: 901986-0 Bg: 901-9514
Hjärt- & Lungfonden Phone: 08-566 24 200 Pg: 90 91 92-7 Bg: 909-1927
Barncancerfonden Phone: 020-90 20 90 Bg: 902-0900
Läkare utan gränser Phone: 010-199 33 00 Pg: 90 06 03-2 Bg: 900-6032
Rädda Barnen Phone: 08-698 90 00 Pg: 902003-3 Bg: 902-0033
Röda Korset Phone: 020-50 70 70 Pg: 900 800-4 Bg: 900-8004
Erikshjälpen Phone: 0383-46 74 50 Pg: 90 09 28-3 Bg: 900-9283

FRII is an organization with 146 members and aims to promote a favorable climate in our country for voluntary work and for gathering among the public, and to improve the quality of the fundraising work.

Visit the memorial gift’s website to donate a gift to one of FRII’s member organizations.